Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hunter 12-18 months

So very much has changed from the time that Hunter turned 12 months until now while he is 18 months. I now have a little boy. A walking, talking, little by! I'll try to caption the pictures, it was hard to choose just this few! This momma takes a boat load of pictures!

First off, let me catch you up:

Sleep: Sleeping through the night, of course. We rock him and sing to him for a few minutes, but he goes to bed very well.

Eating: He eats what we eat, unless he's in a bad mood, then he yells, "Snacks, snacks!"

Talking- Has EXPLODED! He says so many things and comes home each day with a new word! I love asking him what Santa says, he'll say, "Ho, ho!!" He knows lots of animals sounds, can point to and say most facial features and body parts (mouth, teeth, ears, nose, eyes, hair, hands, toes-he doesn't say tummy or fingers, but can show them to you). His list of words is too long to count, but I LOVE to hear his little voice. 

Playing- He has gotten better at independent play, but likes to be rough! He also likes to take other people's toys :/ He loves balls, and loves to ride in his cars (he has enough of them, haha!)

Here is a catch up on his last 6 months of life! I can't believe how much has changed in 6 months, but even more I can't believe how much he has changed in just a year since last Christmas!

Hunt'er's first swim in the big pool

LOVES bubbles!

loves the idea of glasses, hates to wear them longer than .5 seconds

Is in love with his sister

and his mommy :) 
Loves his daddy to pieces. He is a big helper!

Learned to say, "cheeeese", and smile whenever he sees a camera

Still loves his monkey, Boots, and his blanket

Loves Isabella, even though he just has to have what she has

He got his first haircut...

towards the end, he lost it...

until DumDum made an appearance

loves the hose, and outdoor baths in the summer (and early Fall, stupid Texas heat)

He prefers grapes when still in the 'bunch'
LOVES the Kubota

his first campfire

See? He loves his sister!

He is a climber

hates his vest and hat, but knows to keep them on if he wants to go outside

can play nicely with Charlotte

he'll plop down next to her and pat her

he is the cutest little boy on the planet, I swear!

Still loves to clean!

and still loves to climb!

enjoys eating with metal forks and spoons

like to color :) He totally drew that horse ;)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Charlotte Monthly: 5 and 6 months!

He loves her
Sooooo, it happened again, I think that being a mommy of two babies and a full time teacher and a crafting on the side for very few extra dollars is leaving little time for blogging. But, since I so enjoy looking back at Hunter's blog entries every month, I will push forth!
She is the happiest baby on the planet, y'all!

For these last two months, a lot has changed for little Miss Charlotte!

Eating: She is eating about 5 ounces per feeding, and within the past week or so before turning 6 months old, she started eating solid foods! She is very different from Hunter in the aspect. He started at 4 months and loved them right away. I believe at 6 months, he was eating 3 actual meals per day, and I called the doctor because he preferred solids over his formula! I tried Charlotte a few different times since turning 4 months old, but she just really didn't want more than a bite or two. About a week ago, she started eating a whole tub of baby food at lunch and again at dinner! So far, she has had carrots, bananas, apples, pears, and squash. I am planning on buying some pouches so that daddy can get a head start on teaching her how to use those!

Sleeping: She is still waking up in the middle of the night at about 2-3. To make my life easier in the short term, she is getting a bottle, but I know that I am making my life waaay harder in the long term. Over Thanksgiving break, when I don't have to be up at 5:30 in the morning for work, I will work on not giving her a bottle in the middle of the night!

In other sleeping news, she has finally outgrown her rock n' play!  Hunter was in his through Thanksgiving, and still through Christmas break, he was in the swing after he would wake up for his midnight snack, but Charlotte has just about flipped out of it more times than I can count. One day, she flipped totally face down in her rock n play, so I had to just fold it up and put it away! She is now in her pack n plan in our room, and will flip to her belly and sleep soundly until she gets hungry. Occasionally, she will sleep all night,  but not often!

Movement: She is a MOVER!! Although I don't feel that crawling is going to happen before she turns 6 months old, she can get wherever she wants to be by army crawling or pulling up her legs and then lunging forward. She is very fast! Hunter would just lay there and whine, until the day he decided to crawl. Charlotte is such a happy baby that she just figures out a way to get the toy she wants, not much whining for her!
Play: Charlotte is very happy on the floor, but even more, she loves to be in her excer-saucer/bouncer! She doesn't bounce, but she just likes to be able to be up and look around. She also plays with the toys around the outside. She also LOVES her big brother. Oh my word, she just watches his every move, and giggles at him! He loves her just as much, he loves to lay next to her on the floor, give her kisses, and tell me where to set her.
Independence: Charlotte is also starting to sit on her own!! She can sit for about 30 seconds, but if she starts to fall then there is not much of an attempt made to catch herself! I am hoping that by Thanksgiving she is impressing everyone with her sitting skills! She is also a pro at holding her own bottle.... until she drops it,  at which time she makes no attempt to pick it up, but she can lay propped up on her Boppy Nest, and drink a whole bottle, or lay in the swing and hold it. She is a champ! This was daddy's teaching :) UPDATE.... since I have started this post, she is a full blown sitter, and bottle holder! She can do both completely unassisted. She can even adjust her bottle when the milk level gets low, and if she sets it down, she can pick it back up. Champ, I tell you, pure champion blood in that child.

Baby-Wearing: Hunter was not a huge fan of being 'worn', but in his defense, I only tried it when he was pretty small and he was all curled around in the K'tan. Deciding to break out the K'tan again was more out of necessity. Big brother would want to go outside, so she would get strapped on and just go for the ride. More recently, I took her to the Nutcracker Market.... strollers NOT allowed... and she did great! Other than being stopped 542 times by people saying what a beautiful baby that I have, just just hung out in the K'tan for 3 solid hours! She is a trooper, I tell you! We have had some cold weather, so we made a campfire in the backyard, and she loved staring at it. Don't judge, she is wearing Hunter's old hat...

I can't wait to see what this month brings, if memory serves me right, this is about the time that Hunter just started shooting past milestones! I know that there is a great chance that she will be behind in milestones, but so far she is right on track!

 Charlotte is a daddy's girl!

But don't worry, she loves her some mommy time, too!