Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Old Wives Tales: Baby Thompson 2.0

I copy and pasted from when I did this with Hunter. Then I added some more because I am in my second pregnancy.

* If your husband gains weight, you will be having a girl. If he doesn't gain weight, you'll be having a boy.

Answer: Boy- but my husband hasn't gained weight since 10th grade, so I don't think this counts.

* Pregnancy has you looking better than ever if it’s a boy. You don't look quite as good as normal during pregnancy if it’s a girl/
Answer: Girl, my skin has broken out, and I am hating it. I haven't really had any pimples or anything since before getting pregnant with Hunter and now I have three huge zits on my face.

*Some myths propose that if you are craving sweets during your pregnancy, you are having a girl. If you are craving spicy and salty foods, then you are having a boy.
Answer: Both: I am loving fruits, sweets, AND my chili-cheese flavor Fritos.

*Some say if the woman’s belly is big and round it means that she is carrying a girl. Likewise, if her belly is smaller and sticking straight out than she is carrying a boy.
Answer: Boy- I think- I am not showing too much, but what is showing is pretty round, but all in front.

* If you are having a boy, you would not have as much morning sickness as you would if you were having a girl.

Answer: Girl, I was pretty sick in the beginning, and still have my moments! I hate labeling this 'girl', though because I wonder if I am so sick because I am not able to eat at the drop of a hat and I am getting much less sleep (this due to having a tiny baby at home!).


*The same as you last pregnancy= same gender, different- different gender.
Answer: Girl- more sick, not wanting to drink as much water as I did with Hunter, and my face is much less clear.

*Some people believe that if your baby has a fast heart rate, near 170 beats per minute, then that means you are having a girl, and that if your baby’s heart rate is closer to 150 beats per minute then you are having a boy.
Answer: Girl, the heart rate has been above 157 every time. It is most commonly in the 165-170 range, though.

* The Chinese use numbers to determine the sex of your baby. They take the mothers age at conception and the month of conception.
Answer: Boy, I conceived in Septmeber, and was 27 at age of conception, which is showing Boy.


* Many believe that if you have an increased amount of acne during pregnancy then it means you are having a baby girl.
Answer: Girl

*If your previous child's hairline at the neck comes to a point then it is a different gender, straight line is the same gender.
Answer: Girl. Hunter's hairline has a cute little point in the middle of his neck.

2 Boy
6 Girl

(I am liking these odds!)

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hunter Monthly: 7 months!

My little man is 7 months old, and I am loving every second of it! This month was HUGE. I mean HUGE! New tooth, getting into the sitting position on his own, but best of all... he is CRAWLING! 

Sleeping: His month started rough with him sleeping anywhere til 11-2, then waking up frequently. Daddy had the great idea to give him gas drops, which seemed to help and he would wake up at about 3-5. Then mommy started leaving out the rice in his bedtime bottle, and he started sleeping more consistently until 5-6. Last night he slept 10 hours! He started not sleeping well when his teeth started coming in, and we have not been able to get him back to sleeping through the night since then. It has been awful! The problem is that he is still in his Rock n' Play... yes, you read that correctly. We have created such awful sleeping habits for this poor little man! Yeah, sure, he sleeps through the night again, but he needs to have a bottle and be in the rock and play. This is the month that we make the switch! I have almost 3 weeks off work and I am determined!

Eating: This guy absolutely loves to eat! We have not come across a food that he doesn't like, and we have moved into the more 'complete' dinners (those gross purees with meat in them). I am ready for his top teeth to come in, because I would feel a little better about him eating the next step up! He does sometimes get bites of our food, tiny pieces of chicken or turkey (relax, I'm talking 'shards' of meat here), pieces of noodles, and of course soft foods if they are somewhat healthy. I have never thought about food needing to be healthy before, but I just don't want his little body to be running off of crap food. Sure, mommy can have Captain crunch for breakfast, pizza for lunch, and soup and grilled cheese for dinner, but little man has to have fruits, veggies, and meat (just a little) only! He does love his little net thing that you can put a fruit in and he just sucks it out. It looks as disgusting as I thought it would, but he can feed himself a slice of banana or avocado while mommy and daddy eat and we like that!
Here he is feeding himself puffies:

Movement: Little man just decided to start crawling one day and hasn't stopped. Pretty much just like we figured he would! He had been so content just sitting up, that he didn't want to try moving, then he would walk forward on his hands for a few steps just enough to be able to get what he wanted (or realize it was too far away), then he would back up again to a sitting position. He is getting so quick with his flipping over, sitting up, and crawling around! The thing that he wants most is my computer, and when he sees it, he is on a mission! Here is a video of Hunter's first night crawling:

Teeth! We have two beautiful pearly whites! I am so happy that they have fully poked through! Since he was two months old I feel like he has been working on these teeth, and now that they have cut through he is drooling a ton less! Once the first one came through he still wanted to chew and hands were the top choice most of the time, but those baby teeth are sharp! It really made me glad that I didn't nurse anymore!

Size: I think he is anywhere between 16 and 17 pounds. He is wearing size 6-9 month clothing. It is funny because he follows what age he is. As soon as he hits a new age mark (3,6 months) he has changed clothing sizes. I can't believe how much he has grown. I look at the 6-9 month footie pajamas when they come out of the wash and they look so big, they I put them on and they totally fit!

This has been an amazing month, and I am so excited to see what we have in store for the near future. He has already learned how to pull himself to a standing position. He can't do it all the time, but he definitely likes to stand. He is strong enough, he just needs to work on keeping his feet flat and his knees a little bit more locked. He still likes to 'hula' dance around when he stands, so he crumples back to the floor pretty easily! I still need to get around to buying more picture space. I am kinda bummed that I have run out! I had NO idea that I was on limited space! Hope you enjoy the videos while I am figuring out what I am going to buy from blogger....
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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hunter Monthly: 6 Months

**Apparently, I have used all of my picture space. If anyone can help with that, please let me know....**

Six months. It almost pains me to write that. No, actually it doesn't. Hunter gets more and more fun as the he gets older, and I find myself excited for the next month to come. He has grown up so much. It seems like I say that the past month was 'the' month for milestones, but each new month surprises me with what it has in store.

Hunter is full on sitting up, the only thing he can't do is get in position by himself. He can play forever sitting up, lean waaaaay forward on his hands to get a toy and then return to the position (he knows to slowly back up his hands the same way he walked them out), he can bounce like a crazy boy, turn around in circles to follow the object of his momentary affection, and my favorite.... reach his hands up for momma.

That is the other thing, he is showing a preference for mommy. I LOVE it. I have wished for this. Before I had kids, I said that I didn't want a child who only wanted mom, but who would go to anyone that I hand him to (key words- 'that I hand him to'). Once I started work, I had this overwhelming fear that he would prefer his nanny over me. I feel as though it is a realistic fear, he is with her more than I am in his waking hours, she feeds him during the day, comforts him, and rocks him to sleep (she better be rocking my baby to sleep rather than let him cry.....). I want him to like her, but not too much, if you catch my drift. I am not trying to be selfish, but I want to be his mom in every second that I am with him; and he let's me do it. The second I walk in to the room and talk, he whips his head around to find me. He smiles the most contagious and electric smile when he sees me. I can make him giggle better than anyone else, and he thinks that everything I do is pretty funny. I love it. He wants me to comfort him, and when he falls asleep on my shoulder, he fits just so perfect that I know we are both in heaven. I love being his mom, and I love that he wants me.

Hunt man is eating three solid meals a day. Well, as solid as they can be for a 6 month old. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He loves them and we have noticed that when he is really hungry he will say, "mmmmmmm" after each bite. I may very well be the excitement from him that he is getting another bite, but I think that it comes from us saying, 'Mmmmmmmm' as we feed him each bite. He is freaking adorable. He also loved the banana puffs.

He had his very first big holiday- Thanksgiving. He dressed very studly in his best 'Little Man' attire..... no turkey onesies for this big boy! He even got to wear his big boy shoes. We already knew he loved sweet potatoes from his pouches, but he LOVED when I mixed them with regular potatoes and he ate them a little less mashed.

Hunter also has a tooth! We went to his 6 month appointment and the doctor didn't feel anything. Later that afternoon I felt the smallest little poke from his gums, like the the very tippy corner of a tooth, and my mom felt it as well. Each day after that it was more and more pronounced. Now he has about half of his shiny little white tooth.

Little man is so strong! We have said this from birth, when he insisted on having his head up all the time. He was holding his head so steady from a super young age, sitting up with his crazy strong abs, you can't tear something out of his hands he grips it so tightly, when he bites on your finger even when it was just gums you would swear he was drawing blood, and his legs? Oh my word! This is all from birth I tell you, or rather since he was in my belly! He has been working on these muscles since then!

He is wanting to crawl sooooo bad, when he sits and sees something he wants, he will get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth, then he goes back to sitting. I am kind of ready, but know that I will be singing a different tune when he is actually crawling! I just think it will be so fun at Christmas if he is crawling around!

His sleep has hit a major rewind. He is definitely waking up at least once. For a week or so, it was ore than that. I think it was teething, and reaching all these milestones. I have heard that between month 5 and 6 it it common to hit a sleep regression as well as becoming clingy. We have both. I don't mind so much, but I do mind that we have to go against doctor's orders by feeding him to get him to go back to sleep. We KNOW that he can go all night with no bottle but hey, I have to work in the morning. We plan to work on this over the break. He is also still (sigh......) in our room at night. Wait for it..... in the swing. I know.... what 6 month old likes the swing? A spoiled one whose mom rocks him to sleep. I started a baaaad habit, and swear not to do it with the next one, but for now? I need him to sleep so I can sleep for Baby Brother/ Sister's sake as well as my sanity at work the next morning!

I think this is it, I hope that next month I can say that he is crawling!
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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Big Boy!

I can't believe what a big, little boy I have on my hands!

He can sit up on his own for like, 30 minutes at a time. He will just bounce up and down, play with his toys, and watch every move the dogs make.

He definitely has 'Object Permanence'. If he is sitting in his high chair and I crouch down and hide, he will scooch forward to look for me. If a dog (or one of his parents) goes into a room, he will watch the door for them to come back. While I am walking through the kitchen and he is watching from the living room, he will follow the path that I will take even when he can't see me when I walk behind the large columns.

He can sit like a big boy in a shopping cart! Makes shopping much more interesting for him, which means easier for me!

He will pull himself forward in the stroller, high chair, or shopping cart. He will grab onto that handle, pull forward and sit straight up. It's pretty cute, especially in the stroller!

He also loves to play in the bath tub! Hunter pulls himself forward and is basically sitting on his knees to play with the little 'pocket' that his toys float in. He refuses to lay back anymore!

He still wants to sit up on his own SO bad. If he falls down, or I lay him down on his back, he doesn't let his head or neck touch the carpet. He sits in a 'crunch' position for the longest time just hoping to be able to pull himself up. That boy is going to have some super strong little abs!

But, by far, the best thing about Hunter being a big boy are his heavenly giggles:

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Baby 2.0...... ? weeks

I remember loving pregnancy and all that came with it the first time. Sure, there were some complaints, but overall I really enjoyed it. I distinctly remember crying a few times after it was all done at the fact that I was not pregnant anymore.

Here I am again, and while I am sure that I will be right back to those feelings soon enough, I am quickly being reintroduced to some things I had chosen to block out. I mean, I remember that I didn't feel well (like, all day long), I remember being tired, I remember headaches, I remember constant hunger...... but, I think I forgot how it actually felt.

Welcome back:
  • 2nd breakfast and 2nd dinners.... hungry much?
  • tummy aches..... is there a trash can nearby?
  • fatigue...... can I take a nap on my lunch break? (because I certainly can't get one at home with a 5 month old to take care of!)
  • headaches...... that won't. go. away.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Son Loves to Prove me Wrong!

I swear, Hunter waits until the MINUTE that I post his update talking about the things that he can't do, and then he decides to do them. He likes to make me sweat it out.

I wrote that he wasn't rolling over yet. The morning that I posted that he couldn't do it, I laid him down to take his 5 month comparison pics, and while doing that, he rolled over from back to belly! Then I switched the camera to video mode and he did it again! It was almost like I could hear him say, "Mom, I KNEW how to do it, I just really didn't want to!"

I also wrote that he could sit by himself for about 5-7 second by himself. Ummmm, yeah, try he can sit by himself for a few minutes. He can even keep his balance as he bounces up and down and reaches for toys. Really the only things that get him are lunging forward for things which results in a face plant and swaying too fast sideways and he will just fall completely over, but still in the sitting position. It is pretty funny! Here is a video:

I already wrote all about how he likes to hold his bottles, but now he REALLY likes to hold them. He will sometimes only drink if he is holding it. He also likes to look around. I know he is going to be just like his daddy and only eat when he has to. If there are exciting things going on, Hunter can go forever with out eating. If the exciting things are still going on, he will only eat enough to take the edge off, and then go right back to enjoying whatever had his attention before! His daddy can go a whole day getting ready for fishing or working on a project, then all of a sudden realize he is starving because he didn't eat ALL day. Eats only enough lo live, I tell you.

Hunter is aslo sleeping unswaddled now. I am so happy for the change, since he is the only 5 month old I know who still needed it to sleep. Whatever got him to sleep, though, am I right?  

He did go through a rough week or two where he was waking up through the night and I was so worried he decided to take backwards steps in his wonderful sleeping habits. We finally figured out that he was just hungry. He usually got dinner (oatmeal with veggie or fruit) at 6:30, then a bath at 7:15, then a rice bottle at 7:45ish. He would fall asleep during his bottle and be out for the night. When he started waking up, we were under the impression, "We know he CAN go through without eating, so he must not be hungry". We were wrong. We changed his routine to dinner at 6:30, part of rice bottle at 7:00 until he seemed sleepy, bath, finish bottle. That was all he needed. A full 6 ounce rice bottle before bed and he is back to his usual 7:45-6:00 schedule and we LOVE it. He must have a had a growth spurt, or that fact that he isn't eating as much during the day because he is paying attention to everything under the sun while eating was catching up with him in the middle of the night. My poor man. I remember rocking him back to sleep for 45 minutes determined to not feed him. He woke up 30 min later. I finally fed him, and then he slept. I can't imagine how hungry he was! My. Poor. Baby.

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Friday, October 26, 2012

Hunter Monthly: 5 months

I remember last month saying that I thought month 4 was going to be BIG in terms of his development, and I was so right.

He can now look at something and grab it. If you are holding something, he wants it and just has to play with it! He will directly grab something, without hesitation or fumbling around. He can also pass it back and forth between hands.

Hunter is also enjoying his new toy, the Johnny Jump-up:

His little eyebrows and big, round eyes make him look so surprised!

When he is doing tummy tinme, he will look all around and follow you with his eyes. The other day, I vacuumed and he watched me the whole time going back and forth. Sometimes I play a Bubble Guppies song for him to watch:

I can now see why Bumbo's can be unsafe. I am not sure that the seat belt would help a ton, though.  He just has to have whatever is behind him, and even if you move the bumbo so that the object is now in front of him or beside him, he wants what is now behind him! But on this day, he was pretty excited to hear his friend Mitt Romney in the debate:

Still NOT rolling from back to belly. He will roll off his belly about 50% of the time, and will twist and half roll to his belly, but he really just doesn't want to do it!

He wants to sit up so bad! In the bath, we have a tub with one side for reclining and one side for sitting. He is too little and has such a rounded back that the sitting side just doesn't work, but he will not lay back any more on the reclining side!

He can sit without help for about 5-7 seconds before falling over. With a little bit of guidance, he can sit for minutes at a time before wiggling away!
He is such a wiggle worm! It really seems that he is just going to crawl away at any moment by the way he lunges forward out of your arms. Sometimes I lay him down and let him go to what he wanted, but he still just lays there, haha! He is also really trying to crawl. He gets his legs really far under him, and then launches forward. These were all taken in a row: (yes those are fruits that we make him play with....)

He loves going on walks, but only if he can sit like a big boy. I am glad that the weather is getting a touch cooler, so that when I put him in the stroller, I can leave the car seat in the car and we won't come back to a 150 degree seat for him! He is so good at the mall, and I think it is because he can look all around. Plus, he likes all of the attention he gets for being so ridiculously good looking :)

He LOVES the dogs. Whenever one unfortunate soul gets too close, he is ready to grab them (eyes, ears, whatever). Whenever you pet Sophie, she tends to roll over so you scratch her belly. She will even do it just when she thinks you are going to pet her. She happened to do it while Hunter was laying on the floor and she laid right in between his arm and belly. He wrapped his arm around her so fast and so tight and with the biggest grin on his little face. Of course, I had to get the camera and try to recreate the moment, but Sophie was not going to have it. In the few seconds that she was actually in his arms reach, I got this:
He is such a GREAT eater. He loves fresh avocados mixed with oatmeal and water. He opens his mouth, and will swallow almost the whole bite without spitting much out. He is also really enjoying holding his own bottle. He can do it for about a minute at a time.

He got to go to a pumpkin patch with hid friend Brynna, and got to wear his sweater and warm bear hat that we bought this summer in Montana.

In addition to doing lots of first things, Hunter also got some BIG news in his 5th month of life. He found out he is going to be a BIG brother! He is pretty excited :)

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

HUGE Announcement

So, I guess I should let the cat out of the bag :)

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Monday, October 8, 2012

Just How Far Along Am I?

We have absolutely NO clue how far along we are. I could have gotten pregnant as early as 6 weeks after Hunter was born, but I find that highly unlikely! I was still strictly breastfeeding, and that is supposed to be a natural birth control.

I started formula when Hunter was about 10 weeks old, so I guess it could have happened then, but I still find that highly unlikely.

We also could be super freshly pregnant and only be 4 weeks along. I am going to go with this but in the back of my head I am thinking I may be just a touch over that mark. Before getting sick, and had been getting a weird back cramp/ache and actually figured I must be getting ready to start my period (not that I remember what it is like to have a period, since I haven't had one in over year....). Then, Tim lost our camera and video camera, and I cried. I cried like my dog died. Then I saw a commercial for sour cream and onion Lays, and just HAD to have them.  I even made Tim go to the store for me to get them. Then, I got sick for a week and was living on Saltines. Then I just HAD to have this certain yogurt.

Back-ache? Emotional? Craving? Sickness?

All this leaves me thinking I could be up to 6 weeks along.

OK- I was wrong.When I wrote the above, I was just barely 3 weeks and 5 days along. Wow, talk about finding out super early! When I went in for my ultrasound a week after I found out, I was estimated to be 4 weeks and 5 days along. Ugh. We will get a better estimate in two weeks when there is a baby to measure!

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Baby Thompson 2.0

Even as I type this, I am still in a little bit of shock mode. Baby Thompson 2.0?

A tummy bug was going around our area, and in my family, so when I felt sick for a day I thought it was just this bug that I can never seem to avoid! Then, the next day I was REALLY sick; and the next couple of days I was just feeling icky again. One of my work friends asked if I was pregnant, and I looked at her with big huge alien eyes, because ummmm, hello? I JUST had a baby! 4 short months ago!

Then I got to thinking about it... A week of being sick? No birth control? Could it be? No way! It took 2 years to get pregnant with Hunter, TWO years!

As I was walking through Target to get some yogurt that I just HAD to have, I bit the bullet and bought a test. At least that way I would know one way or the other, right?

I got home, and was actually excited to take the test. Hunter was being really good playing in his exersaucer, so I took the test. I kinda forgot about it for a half hour or so, I ran around the house playing with my precious child, and when I finally made it back over to the test... it was positive. Oh so positive. 

I went through a mix of emotions, laughing, smiling, being in shock, scared, nervous..... bouncing from one emotion to the next like a ping pong ball.

The next thing I had to do was tell Tim. He was going to be a daddy... again! I was nervous to tell him, because he had just said a few weeks ago that we couldn't have another baby for a while because how in the world would he get two babies ready in the morning?

I waited until the next day, because I wanted to take another test just to be sure. This time, I took a digital. I took a video of this test because I remember from last pregnancy that I wanted more video of everything, especially people's reaction to the news. Even though I have already seen one positive test, you can hear the shock in my voice. I also started recording, then it quit, so I started recording again just in time, but that explains me saying, "Well, that was a bust...." I turned it on again juuuust in time:

Tim was now fighting the stomach bug, so I really wanted to wait until he was feeling better to share the news. I had planned on buying a onesie that said "Big Brother", then having Tim get him dressed, and seeing how long it took him to notice. I wanted to make it fun! (not scary!)

Instead, this is how it all went down:

Hunter was having a grand old time trying to push back his bedtime, just smiling away at me. Tim came out of the bedroom to join the fun, and was talking so sweetly to Hunter. He was telling him how much he loved him, and loved being a daddy. Since he in such a good mood, I said, "I need to tell you something". Then, it was like I went mute for a good minute. I couldn't say anything.... until I said everything. I blurted it out. He was shocked, but I have to say, he was way less shocked than I was!

I still wish that I would have waited until he was feeling better, so that we could have hugged and kissed and enjoyed the moment together. But hugging and kissing someone who has been home sick all day just didn't seem all that appealing to this pregnant lady! We shared in our shock, our excitement, and gender predictions together. I am so glad that he was so even keeled about it all! Have you ever heard/read the saying, "I never knew how much I loved your daddy, until I saw how much he loved you?".... I have seen that to be true already, and I just KNOW that it will be twice as true as this pregnancy moves along!

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Baby Baylor Bear

Here is my little Baylor Bear :)

Loving Hunter's fall clothes as much as I thought I would when I bought them a year ago!

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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Delicious Autumn

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We Have Hands!

In Hunter's 4 month update, I wrote that he wasn't very 'purposeful' during his play time. He would grab stuff that happened to hit his hand and put those things in his mouth, but I couldn't really see him looking at something and deciding to play with it.

That all changed yesterday. I bought a new toy for him that looks like a ferris wheel with a suction cup on the bottom. I thought that it would be perfect to suction to his exersaucer when he got tired of one of his stations, or to his bumbo tray. He watched me rattle it all over the place while I tried to take it out of the wrapping (do they seriously need so many metal twisty ties for newborn toys?). When I put it in front of him, he immediately started spinning it around and around!

He is also picking up items that I put on his belly. I put his rattle on his belly when he is playing in the bathtub,and a teether on his belly when he is getting changed. He loves to pick them up, look at the toy, then stick it in his mouth!

I love that he is playing with his toys on purpose, and it is so fun to watch him discover what each new toy does and how to work it!

He is more aware of his body in general. The other day, I was holding him on my hip, and also holding a bottle. He curved his little body around and down to start sucking on the bottle. Hungry much?

He is also loving playing with his toes! I think it is absolutely adorbs, AND he can almost get them into his mouth! Wherever he is, the first thing he does is grab them and smile. He is pretty proud of his new trick :)

Hunter just HAS to have whatever you are holding. The other morning, I was holding him and brushing my teeth so he wanted the toothpaste. Then, when I got out the camera to take a picture of him holding the toothpaste, he just needed to play with my camera.

I feel like the 4 month mark was a turning point in developmental milestones, I can't wait to see what he does next! He has the most adorable personality, and he may be a tad shy... he smiles at people then ducks his head down, usually into my body if I am holding him and I love it! I love him so much :)

side notes: yes, that is what I look like the morning, be jealous. it is also kind of hard to change a baby when all he wants to do is grab his toes. let's predict how hard it will be when he discovers his manhood down there.
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Such a Boy....

You know how even at early ages baby girls seem so 'girly' and boys seems soooo.... 'boyish'? I have a super boy on my hands.

Here is glaring at me during a shopping trip:

He is gets all sorts of scratches:

This is another shopping trip, he just wanted to block it out, I guess:

Here he is zoning everyone else out while watching the football game:
(just kidding, but that's totally what it looks like!!)

Not to mention all of the super loud toots and burps in peoples faces as they are saying just how cute he is!

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

4 Months

Hunter turned 4 months old on September 17, and I actually took the whole day from work to spend with him. NOT. I wish that was the reason! I actually took him to his 4 month appointment, and since we was so miserable after his 2 month vaccines, I wanted to spend the rest of the day making sure he was ok.

Hunter is a whopping 25 inches long and 13 pounds and 12 ounces. He seems so tall, but he is only in the 50th percentile for height. Maybe he seems tall because he is only in the 17th percentile for weight, so he seems long?

Look at my long boy!

Hunter was such a trooper at his appointment, though, and I actually did get to enjoy the remainder of the day with him! He only cried after the 2nd shot, and that was just for a few seconds. We also got the green light to start solids. I confessed that I had already been putting rice in his bedtime bottle, and he was doing well with it. She said that we could start real food! I rushed to the store and bought some carrots, bananas, apples, and green beans. The pediatrician said that as long as there is just one fruit or vegetable ingredient, that it would be ok! We started with bananas, and while he did eat them, he acted like they were kind of sour! When Tim tried them, he said that it tasted nothing like a banana. The next day I tried carrots, and he LOVED them! He ate half a 'tub' (we didn't buy the glass jars because the tubs with lids look so easy to wash and reuse!), and I saved the rest for the next night. You are supposed to only introduce one new food every 3-4 days to make sure they don't have an allergy, but I let that go because he didn't seem to want to eat the bananas the first night, and I didn't want to force it the next night, too! Here is my handsome carrot face boy:

We are also sleep trained! I mean mostly sleep trained. I should have done it a while ago, but I loved him being close to me. We moved him to his crib, and he did great at first, then got worse, then he go sick. Stuffy nose, coughing in his sleep, kind of sick. My. Poor. Baby. He was moved back to the swing so that he could be rocked to sleep and stay in an elevated position. When he finally cleared up enough, we moved back to the crib in his room. We elevated the mattress with a towel so that he would still be propped up a little, and he little sinuses would drain better. I also decided that I would finally try the dreaded 'cry it out' method. While I have been unsuccessful in the past due to my knowledge of him crying, I found a method that works much more effectively for Hunter and I. Trust me, he doesn't cry long, if at all. Here is a pic I snapped after my alarm woke me back up after 10 minutes:

Keep in mind that we KNOW that he can sleep through the night with out food. He had done it for 2 months, and then slowly started waking up more, and even when I would feed him, he was only eating and ounce or two. I still put him to sleep the usual way, with me feeding him while rocking, and gently transferring my sleeping baby to the crib. When he wakes up in the middle of the night, I would usually rush in there and tend to him. NOW I turn off my monitor in the room, and turn my phone alarm to wake me up in 10 minutes. When I wake back up, he is already back to sleep. One night, he was NOT back to sleep and was screaming his head off, I went in there, and all it took was a pacifier and putting my hand on his chest, kind of rubbing/rocking back to sleep. I never picked him up. He was out in about 30 seconds, and slept the rest of the night. So far, so good!!

I mentioned above that Hunter had his first cold. That is more than sad, and all you want to do is blow their little nose for them. Well, actually, I have a nosefrida, so I kinda do blow his nose for him, but hearing him so stuffed up, holding him while he coughs, and feeling his 102.7 fever is so not fun. Now I know what my mom was talking about when she would tell me that she wished she could just be sick for me. Those nights, he would start in the crib, then when he woke up, I would suck out his nose, and then let him snuggle with me in bed. I tried to snap a picture of us cuddling (yes, I am pretending to sleep to 'recreate' the moment....), that was the only bonus of him being sick.

Hunter is still NOT rolling over. He has, I even have it on video, but has not done it since about 7 weeks old. He doesn't even want to try to roll from his back to his belly! Why would he want to do that? He just lays there all lounged out, and relaxes. I have a feeling that he will wake up one day, want to move to something, and roll over and over to get there, but for now, he just wants to lay around and relax. Or cry when he is totally over tummy time.

Speaking of tummy time, Hunter is doing so much better! He can even last 15 minutes sometimes! Look, I even got a tummy time smile:

He LOVES his exer-saucer! We picked one up at Once Upon A Child, and he can sit in there for 30 minutes at a time, spinning in circles, playing with each little station. He still hits most of the buttons by accident, or at least not with a definite, "I want to push this button, so I am going to", but he definitely hits them a lot! It has more of a, "I want to play with this toy, so I'm gonna slide my hand all over it, and try to make it sing to me", kind of feel, lol!

He is so good about being out of the house now. I have been able to grocery shop without worrying about him starting to scream, go to the mall countless times, and have long dinners and lunches out of the house with friends.

Due to a lost camera :( (sniff, sniff...that is for another post), there are limited pictures of this month (and the low quality ones are from my phone):

Here is a picture of Hunter all lounged out:

Some mornings he is just so cute, I don't want to go to work:

Sitting up in the stroller like a big boy:

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