Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Hiccups and Movements

Lately, I have been feeling more and more baby hiccups! The first time I wasn't sure that is what they were, but the more I feel them, and their rhythmic thumps, I am sure that is what they are. Tonight was extra special, though, because Tim got to feel them as well!

Also, my mom has been dying to feel some good kicks from little Hunter. She got to feel a decent kick a couple of weeks ago and then a few nights ago, she felt a really good one, I could even see her fingers pop up! Last night, Tim and I went over to my parents house for a yummy home-cooked fried chicken dinner, and while she was putting Isabella to sleep, I started saying that he was just doing cartwheels or something in there. They happened to look at my stomach at the same time as he did a huge wave of movement across one half of my belly, and they were both surprised to hear that he does that all day long! Too bad my mom missed that one! She is by far the most patient belly-feeler... besides myself, of course!

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